Basic tips on how to flirt with woman
Looking to learn how to flirt with woman? Flirting is an art that few people are able to master successfully. If you are interested in attracting women towards yourself, you must learn how to flirt. Women like men who are able to say good things and lead the conversation. However, many men do not know how to flirt dating, which costs them significantly when it comes to getting women.
How to flirt online is completely different than in person, so read on to learn a thing or two about flirting.
Firstly, flirting is not something that you can learn by the book. Experience matters significantly, and it takes time. The best way to start off flirting is to first compliment the girl. Did you know that a single line such as “You look beautiful today!” could really set the tone for the girl’s day. Give as many compliments as you can, and make her feel special. To do that, the most important thing that you need to do is to ensure that you never compare the girl to another.
When talking or giving comments, make sure you look straight in her eyes. Also, when talking, do not lower your tone just yet. Slightly move closer to her while talking, or you can also whisper in her ears. Whispering is an extremely seductive thing, but make sure you choose your words carefully. If you are in a group of friends, saying something about how she looks the best of all in her ears might seem like the perfect thing to say, and will make her feel quite special. This way, she’ll probably want to move closer to you. For women, learning how to flirt with man is also a challenge.